About Us


We love to cook together

For Sue & I, our kitchen is one of our all time favorite places. In our kitchen we can create, relax, experiment and all in all have a lot of fun enjoying each others company as we prepare our favorite dishes or experiment with new ones. The recipes we post here are all hand picked favorites and we hope you enjoy trying them out.

There is no single influence in our collection, as in our travels around the world we have enjoyed foods from every continent. We have our favorite chefs, many British like ourselves, hand written family recipes and many that we have tweaked along the way. Our blog is focused on preparing gourmet meals for two, re-sizing recipes from famous chefs to better suit couples and healthy recipes, not necessarily for weight loss but simply for smarter eating.

A few of our favorites

The recipes we choose for tasteofcotswolddowns.com are ones that we have picked up along our travels over the years. Recipes from the middle east, where Ian lived when young, Britain of course where we both were raised and also Australia where Sue lived for a few years before we all moved to the United States.

strawberry kiwi pavlova

Kiwi & Strawberry Pavlova

An Australian Favorite

Cheltenham dripper

Cheltenham Dripper

From our old home town



A Classic Greek Appetizer

Enjoy your visit

We hope you enjoy our site as much as we enjoy creating the dishes that go into it. Try a few of our recipes and more importantly enjoy making them.

To Our Recipes