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Toad in the hole with Onion gravy

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Adjust Servings:
For the batter
8 oz Flour - Plain
Salt and Pepper
3 ea Large Egg
10 fl oz Milk - Full fat
2 tbsp Olive oil
5-6 ea Bratwurst - mild
For the onion gravy
1 tbsp Olive oil
2 ea Yellow Onions
1/2 tsp Dry English Mustard
18 fl oz Beef stock

Toad in the hole with Onion gravy

    • 2 hours
    • Serves 4
    • Medium


    • For the batter

    • For the onion gravy



    The original toad in the hole would use traditional English pork bangers. We have found here in the US a mild bratwurst to be a good substitute. Of course if you can get you hands on some English bangers, go for it.



    For the batter, sift the flour into a bowl and season with salt and pepper. Make a well in the middle and break in the eggs. Whisk the eggs slowly into the flour. Once combined, pour in the milk while you whisk so that you have a smooth, lump-free batter the consistency of double cream (if the batter is too thick then add a little water). Cover the batter and rest in the refrigerator for one hour.


    Preheat the oven to 400ºF.


    For the onion gravy, heat a heavy-based skillet over a low heat. I like to use my cast iron skillet for this as it gives such an even heat.Add the oil, onions and a pinch of salt. Cook gently for 15–20 minutes, or until completely collapsed and rich golden-brown in colour. If the onions cook too quickly, cover with a lid as they cook.


    Once the onions are completely softened and a rich golden-brown, stir in the mustard and a pinch of pepper and then add the stock. Bring the mixture to the boil, reduce to a simmer and simmer for 10–15 minutes, or until the volume of liquid has reduced by half. Taste and adjust the seasoning as necessary.


    Preheat a 12 x 8 x 2½ inch baking dish in the preheated oven. Once really hot, add the olive oil and the sausages. Brown the sausages in the hot oven, turning from time to time until nicely browned all over. They do not need to be fully cooked through at this stage.


    Remove the batter from the refrigerator and re-whisk. Pour the batter into the hot baking dish over the browned sausages. Return to the oven and cook for a further 30–35 minutes, or until the batter is risen and golden-brown all over.


    Reheat the onion gravy and serve the cooked toad in the hole in square chunks with the gravy over. Serve with a green vegetable of you choice.

    Ian Cooks

    TasteofCotswoldDowns.com site owner

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